My name is Lisa. I am so glad that you have taken the time to look over our website. I hope that you find something that we can help you with. While you are here i would like to tell you a little about myself and our company. I was born in 1984. Our company was born in 1985. So needless to say I have been raised right in the middle of the business. My favorite "job" when I was little was to get a little basket and fill it with hard candy and carry it up and down the fruit packing line asking if anyone wanted a piece. Of corse that was a self made job that kept me out of trouble.......most of the time. :)
Since then as I have grown up I have taken on productive roles in the business. When I was only 16 years old I became the North Arkansas sales rep. I later took over the whole state along with managing the very packing line that I at one time walked up and down giving out candy.
As life has moved along I now have a wonderful family of my own. I have a wonderful husband (Jason), and four amazing boys ( Stephen, Braxton, Jason, & Jared). With the added responsibilities of being a mother I have went back to just selling to the northern half of Arkansas. I am also still very involved in all aspects of the company including but not limited to sales, taking orders, packing fruit, pulling orders, truck dispatching, making deliveries, developing brochures, and providing the best customer service that I can. I also am involved in our student education program. If you are not familiar with this program let me explain. We have developed a short but effective sales and marketing course that we will take your students/group through to teach them how to effectivly sell their products. We are willing to teach your class all day or have the whole group together at one time. My goal is to be able to help take some of the hassle out of fundraising.
I would love the chance to talk with you and disscuss your fundraising needs. You can e-mail me ( company@lcfundraising.net ) or you can call me at (870) 481 5310
Thank you,
Lisa Trevino